So if things aren't busy enough, we like them complicated. We (my sweet, (not right) great husband and I have gone through the temple (May 5, 2009), for our first time. It was a very neat and wonderful experience, especially since its been 7 and a half years waiting. Then we get the worst news that we have to wait for people to contact our oldest daughters dad for her to go through and be sealed to us!!!!UGH... It was the worst 5 hours of my life (almost). At the end of the day they changed their minds and gave us a letter of approval to go a head with the sealing. YEAH..... So the next BIG day of all our lives was next, May 16, 2009. We were sealed for time and eternity, as husband and wife; then our 4 beautiful daughters were brought in and that was a most cherished view of girls in white. So its official we are an Eternal Family!!!! As long as we are doing whats right, that's what we are promised.