I will spare any weakness to gross stuff with a post with no pictures, although, I would think its funny?So my night was normal, we hung out. Then I put the torture on and YANK! we pulled out a tooth that has been bugging' for about a week. We had tears of pain and hatred toward me, blood was spurting from everywhere it seemed, but got through with a special brownie with ice cream after dinner. I stayed up beyond my comfort of no sleeping watching my DVR'd shows? I will never understand why I put myself through the agony of not sleeping? The baby acts like she is weeks old, instead of almost a year old...
So when I do decide to sleep, it feels like I've been asleep for hours, and then.... I hear the dreaded sound of bodily fluids coming from down the hall with the husband racing to the scene. I fly out of bed to see if I can salvage any part of my sanity of not being up all morning long, wrong! I have one child throwing up all over the bed and then to find she has thrown up all over her sister, ha ha ha: clothes, hair, pj's. Hence the title, UGh! I am now up and I was only asleep for a little over an hour. Rinsing sheets, pj's, hair; then to sit up and make sure at least one load of yuck gets washed. Now the girls are cleaned up they smell great, but I cannot say much about how the rest of my house smells. Any ideas I cannot open windows (don't need them colder and its been raining) I need the smell out before I am cleaning up after my husband, he has a weak tolerance of vomit. I guess I'm off to feed a non-sleeping baby and finish my laundry. Maybe I should go get and energy drink and stay up, I will be tired all day anyways?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
*** SNOW ***
I could'nt resist I have changed my blog background to reflect the weather for now. :) I can not say how much I have anticipated todays stormy weather. I love shoveling, playing, driving, all of it. This is all because no one can go from one season/holiday to the next in an orderly fashion j/k(stores displaying Christmas stuff before Halloween is even over) Nonetheless, my kids and I drink hot cocoa all year long, so to be lucky and have a warm house and little things to enjoy is a great blessing. I look forward to this upcoming holiday season with a new sense of Givng in my heart to help others, less fortunate.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Winner! Winner!
Holy cow! I just won a contest for a cute beanie hat. This is going to be a tough decision, 'who gets to receive the beanie?' I have a mini me, a beast, a wiggler, and an oh so cute baby, and only one hat. I am just totally excited. I enter a few of these contest occasionally and seems like I'm with the few who are so close but no cigar.(odds were 1:1066 lucky #59)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Perfect start to Perfect weekend
I am terrible. I've been trying to get back to the temple since I first went way back in May :( How sad, I know but I did go with my mom on Thursday. I do have to say I have not been in the Bountiful temple since its open house years ago. I absolutely love that temple (they are all great don't get me wrong) seems like I would be less confused in that one. But all in all my husband did not go so he got to stay home and watch kids (maybe next time he will want to go with me?) The poor baby she just can't live without me for a few hours she cried for an hour prior to me getting home, so sad, but the three less worrisome were in bed and my trouble maker was still up just eating dinner at 11 pm. Leave it to my husband to not feed anyone. I am committing to going at least once a month with my mom, and then making every effort to have my husband attend once with me as well.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Great Weekend
I had a great start to finish my weekend. Our dear sweet "Annie" is what we call her gets free tickets to just about anything held in the Energy Solutions Arena. She 'will' called tickets for us to the circus. And I'm slow or just out dated? but sorry they say no cameras, and so I just don't take one, anyways too afraid of it getting dropped or taken. But hey I still managed to use my phone to snap a not so great p
picture of my girls being funny. They had a blast.

Then on Saturday I was invited to an annual Bergstrom tradition of watching the broadcast of the General Relief Society Session with my other half of the family. I was glad to be invited as I have never been to a session. Afterwards we had a good time eating dinner, and talking about family at the Olive Garden.

Then on Saturday I was invited to an annual Bergstrom tradition of watching the broadcast of the General Relief Society Session with my other half of the family. I was glad to be invited as I have never been to a session. Afterwards we had a good time eating dinner, and talking about family at the Olive Garden.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Day of Preschool
I'm a slacker of all the things this morning I forgot to snap a picture of my sweet Whitney before she went off to school :( But, I will grab one when I get her. Odd and funny I couldn't wait for her to start but, now I'm sad my house is quiet and I'm all alone..(the baby don't count cause she won't talk back to me)
Alas... I guess this is what I get to look forward to for another 3 yrs. then I will be by myself completely. Hopefully my kids appreciate what an education will provide them with for the future, come what may. I would never be able to home school so therefore, to have them home all the time in the summer is such a blessing and sometimes not. But looking forward to new school years is a great thing.
Alas... I guess this is what I get to look forward to for another 3 yrs. then I will be by myself completely. Hopefully my kids appreciate what an education will provide them with for the future, come what may. I would never be able to home school so therefore, to have them home all the time in the summer is such a blessing and sometimes not. But looking forward to new school years is a great thing.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Baby vs. Hardwood ROUND 1
Leading up to this, is a baby who thinks she is literally a monkey. She tries her hardest to climb the furniture, and is learning to walk along it. But it wouldn't be fair if she could just go and not get hurt in the process. And some of course know our whole house is now hardwood/ tile, so when falling its gonna leave a mark, even on big kids ;-)

"No one touch me" is what she is screaming. And moments later it looked more like this:
So I just turned to fix dinner plates, and WHACK! This is what we're left with:
(notice the semi blue)
"No one touch me" is what she is screaming. And moments later it looked more like this:
(now its purle, and an inch out from her head)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lost Kitty or Clean Kitty???
Is anyone missing a Kitty I found this in my drain??? j/k Our kitty loves the outddors and therefore, gets dirty. So it's always my idea to torture the poor thing. We stuck her in my tub and did the: lather, rinse and repeat. The end result is this - BUT now she smells like a brand new baby. he he he (all I had near me was babywash)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just Venting :{
This post is at random frustration of: my stupid brother, who will not grow up and actually support himself. He thinks life is one big ride and everyone owes him a big piece of their life in all forms. He basically lives on the brink of a movie evading the law til it catches him, then it will be "the other persons fault, he did nothing wrong." The other stupid brother is getting married without thinking of consequences. !@*?#. (this is just my head overloading). For years I took the beat for making extremely wrong decisions and now he won't buck-up and look at what he's doing to himself or listen to family and friends who have said time over "It's a mistake, she is not worth it". I faced reality of my many mistakes and learned from them. I know we only grow as we learn from our individual mistakes, but I hate to see him suffer the most heart wrenching of them all( it involves his daughter).
Like I said I am just venting that he will not take his life changing decision seriously and get back to what he was taught and pray or at least seek earnestly whether his decisions are right or forced for other reasons. Nothing hurts worse than the destruction of the family by Satan's hand, and not having the desire to fight for what you believe in. That is all I have to say, sorry if you read this expecting something else. But on to happier moments....
Like I said I am just venting that he will not take his life changing decision seriously and get back to what he was taught and pray or at least seek earnestly whether his decisions are right or forced for other reasons. Nothing hurts worse than the destruction of the family by Satan's hand, and not having the desire to fight for what you believe in. That is all I have to say, sorry if you read this expecting something else. But on to happier moments....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Almost there...
Yes, we finally are getting close to a finished kitchen. I did not realize how much I 'did not ' use any of my appliances. I feel I don't cook often enough, but these past two weeks tells me I actually do! And I absolutely decided I hate washing dishes by hand. Dirty dish pan water hands every day (sometimes twice) gets old. Looks old on my hands as well. he he he
Now just the task of painting to address before we say its complete and things can be normal again.
Now just the task of painting to address before we say its complete and things can be normal again.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Happy Birthday!!!!
(This is last year, but will post newer later tonight)
Today 7 years ago I had the most beautiful baby girl. I never knew what I was having, but thought it was a boy. I was only half wrong... But my Cailey is such a special girl. She brings into this family what everyone needs, a very happy personality no matter what gets thrown your way. She gets picked on by all of us but smiles through even when there are sad times.
....... Three years later.........
We found out we were expecting again. I always said I did not want to have my girls share the -same birthday (we had a due date that fell about 1 week following Cailey's b-day 7-29). Little do we know how much control some of us don't have. Labor started on 7-20, and being admitted at midnight, I had to face the inevitable. We were having a baby on sisters birthday. Whitney is our little ball of fire. She has a determination backed by attitude. It's hard to say no to such a face with the biggest blue eyes and a face that looks innocent. But I tell you this "looks are deceiving." You have to keep and extra eye on this one she is sly. But non the less we love her so much, and without her our life might be too laid back and easy. So here is to my two sweet girls on the birthday they now understand they share forever. Your sweet spirits are just what we need in our family and hope you strive for the best in all you do. We love you, Mom and Dad.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Did someone say Remodeling???
So last Thursday or sooner, our fridge quite keeping things cold. The way I found out was just sad as a parent? My husband did not tell me the milk smelled funny, as he put it back in the fridge. The next day: (I poured cereal for kids and thought "that smells funny, it tasted weird too." So when he gets home I tell him what happened and he he just laughed. (He smells everything, even if its new. I hate it, but will now think twice.)But it wasn't funny cause one kid just ate her cereal and did not complain about taste or smell, but the other one refused to eat and walked away. The freezer still worked so that's where everything went(that was perishable). We went out and looked at them not knowing what we would like, or what style? But, we had to have one so it seemed more like impulse shopping. We found one 
This is what we chose. White of course.. It has to match what we currently own. Right now our kitchen is all torn up. My husband decided it would be great if he could get our tile work done before it gets here on Friday??? Not happening it's Wednesday, and he's having second thoughts about the tile we chose and then I purchased, while he was at work :-(

This is what we chose. White of course.. It has to match what we currently own. Right now our kitchen is all torn up. My husband decided it would be great if he could get our tile work done before it gets here on Friday??? Not happening it's Wednesday, and he's having second thoughts about the tile we chose and then I purchased, while he was at work :-(
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hopefully everyone had a great 4th of July! I know we did. We first started the day off with the local parade in Magna. Kids love candy!! That parade seems to grow every year, a little odd considering Magna is still small. Then we hung out with Dad, since he spent the better part of the week out of town. We ended the night with FIREWORKS!!!! I love fire what can I say. After 30 min. of watching them, we had to race home and do some of our own. We lit a whole box(not normal, we usually save some for the 24th) but mom was happy for a change of pace. We even went a little illegal. My hubby never watches or helps, he's too afraid of getting caught. But my neighbors love to watch at my expense. So here's to another year and looking forward to another.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Getting Bigger - 7 months old
This is such a great time to be a mom when you can just sit back and watch your kids grow without missing a beat. My sweet baby "mortgage" as she is called, can get just about anywhere she would like to be. Everything on the floor is in her mouth. Eating our food is way better than baby food or milk ; ) Cutting teeth you'd think could be a little easier, no never in a million years. Crying, spitting up, screaming at you (yes, she has figured out the scream at you, because she's mad), no sleep ( if you cannot tell by how late this post is going up) for both of us. Live life and LOVE your kids no matter what they throw at you (literally).
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy Birthday
For my husband, Happy Birthday to you. Its not easy being older and still so charming, and full of whit and so much character. You make me laugh even when I'm mad as heck, and that goes for when I may be mad at you as well. To many more birthdays and fun times, till we're old and grey laughing on the floor.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy Birthday
To my sweet oldest daughter I say "Happy Birthday" too you. Eleven years old and still young :) Life has been rough, but to know that your loved by so many people is the greatest thing of all. We love you much.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Busy Month

So if things aren't busy enough, we like them complicated. We (my sweet, (not right) great husband and I have gone through the temple (May 5, 2009), for our first time. It was a very neat and wonderful experience, especially since its been 7 and a half years waiting. Then we get the worst news that we have to wait for people to contact our oldest daughters dad for her to go through and be sealed to us!!!!UGH... It was the worst 5 hours of my life (almost). At the end of the day they changed their minds and gave us a letter of approval to go a head with the sealing. YEAH..... So the next BIG day of all our lives was next, May 16, 2009. We were sealed for time and eternity, as husband and wife; then our 4 beautiful daughters were brought in and that was a most cherished view of girls in white. So its official we are an Eternal Family!!!! As long as we are doing whats right, that's what we are promised.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Great Giveaway!!
Go take a peek and enter into this fun giveaway here: http://www.hairbowsforgirls.blogspot.com. Its late posting but I've been super busy and everyone is sick.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Still Alive??
Yes I do exsist. I have not forgot to blog just been real busy but for now I have a great giveaway to tell about it is here: http://hairandshare.blogspot.com/. Check it out. I will return and post about my busy past two weeks.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
So I am really slow , and forgot to post. My girls had a great Easter!!! They went to an Easter Egg Hunt with their cousin Jaxon on Saturday, and got some extra goodies. They enjoyed spending the afternoon eating breakfast with their aunts; Jamie, (Jaxon), Katie, Megan (Lucas), it was awesome.
On Easter morning they woke to think the Easter bunny forgot them???? But really it was on the door step. They were shocked and were glad they got toys, art stuff, and extra Easter dresses. Oh, and you cannot forget all the chocolate bunnies. Yum, Yum, Yum.
Today is my big 30, and it was a great day. I got to spend 5 hours at the ball field for games and got really burned cause we never changed directions ( same field for all games) : ( But its worth it to see my girls have fun. I wish I knew how awful my younger daughter felt as she did not play like she always does. We get home and she feels hotter than my burn, so I take temp, ?? AH!!! 103.0 temp, I felt awful. She has slept most of day since getting home. Next time I will be more tuned, for her and not make her play. We thought she was just slow. :( I'm sad for her still can you tell :(
On Easter morning they woke to think the Easter bunny forgot them???? But really it was on the door step. They were shocked and were glad they got toys, art stuff, and extra Easter dresses. Oh, and you cannot forget all the chocolate bunnies. Yum, Yum, Yum.
Today is my big 30, and it was a great day. I got to spend 5 hours at the ball field for games and got really burned cause we never changed directions ( same field for all games) : ( But its worth it to see my girls have fun. I wish I knew how awful my younger daughter felt as she did not play like she always does. We get home and she feels hotter than my burn, so I take temp, ?? AH!!! 103.0 temp, I felt awful. She has slept most of day since getting home. Next time I will be more tuned, for her and not make her play. We thought she was just slow. :( I'm sad for her still can you tell :(
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
So just this past few weeks my newest addition has learned to roll over. What a big deal it has been to watch her try for the past month and finally succeed. We love her so much and will look forward to seeing her grow.
Also this past month my other two DD's have started their all-time favorite. SOFTBALL!!! This is a great sport for girls. Teg has been paying for 4 yrs. and has grown as a player and as an individual. She is naturally shy and this gets her out, with new people and helps her communicate. She has developed a love of pitching, but by the way is just as good a catcher. My 'Beast' is in her second yr. She is also loving it. She is rather short so to watch her is great enjoyment for all. Her helmets hardly ever fit so she swings and the helmet does a cartoon thing and spins around her head. when she runs she holds onto it so as not to loose it. We also learned her first year she throws right and bats left?? Who knew??? She hits occasionally, but I know it will come at its own pace if she sticks to it, she will do great just as her older sister.
Last but not least, is my middle younger dd. She is just 3, so anything her sisters are doing she has to do as well. She has had a scare this past month. She tried to blow out a candle, the heat caught her front hair and just ignited it and second degree burn on her forehead. luckily it has healed very nice(hopefully only a permanent emotional scar) she has learned her lesson the hard way. But sometimes that is the way we all learn.
Also this past month my other two DD's have started their all-time favorite. SOFTBALL!!! This is a great sport for girls. Teg has been paying for 4 yrs. and has grown as a player and as an individual. She is naturally shy and this gets her out, with new people and helps her communicate. She has developed a love of pitching, but by the way is just as good a catcher. My 'Beast' is in her second yr. She is also loving it. She is rather short so to watch her is great enjoyment for all. Her helmets hardly ever fit so she swings and the helmet does a cartoon thing and spins around her head. when she runs she holds onto it so as not to loose it. We also learned her first year she throws right and bats left?? Who knew??? She hits occasionally, but I know it will come at its own pace if she sticks to it, she will do great just as her older sister.
Last but not least, is my middle younger dd. She is just 3, so anything her sisters are doing she has to do as well. She has had a scare this past month. She tried to blow out a candle, the heat caught her front hair and just ignited it and second degree burn on her forehead. luckily it has healed very nice(hopefully only a permanent emotional scar) she has learned her lesson the hard way. But sometimes that is the way we all learn.
New to Blogging World !!??
So I am new to the blogging world. I only started this for two reasons; First I needed to have a blog to follow some of my favorites, and second I thought I could get in on the "Journaling" end of it. I do not keep a Journal and this would be a great way to keep records, of my girls. I however, will not use pics, in fear of the weirdos in the world.
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